The Beginning

In 2008, Lamondance went on stage for the very first time in the National Theater Claudio Santoro in Brasilia, Brazil (Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro), one of the most important in the country, with the show RED, especially commissioned by The International Dance Seminar in Brasilia by Gisele Santoro the artistic director of the festival.

Due to the success of the project, Monica Proença and Lara Barclay decided to found Lamondance training program following the Idea suggested by Hayley Walker (RNB Dance - Principal) and Charlie Costello (RNB Dance - Presidente Board of Directors). Lamondance (LMD) was born in the following year in 2009 with the idea to help emerging dancers with their transition to the professional dance world.

The high quality of the training followed by unmistakable choreography gave the company early stability.

In the first phase of the company’s existence, Lara Barclay and Mônica Proença shared the artistic direction and years later Davi Rodrigues was invited to co-direct the program with them. In 2014 Davi Rodrigues assumed the position of artistic director of the company who since then, has been responsible for the company’s distinctive artistic identity.

Lamondance has performed in Canada, Brazil with the shows “RED” - 2009, “Human” 2013, “Spark” – 2016 and in Germany at the Tanzart festival in Nordhausen 2011 with the choreography “Terra Arrida” by Monica Proença part of the show “What we leave behind.”

Lamondance is a place where art is taken care of at the highest calibre alongside original choreographic voices with the responsibility of presenting shows that will leave an imprint in the audience’s mind and connect them to the dance world.

For a decade, Lamondance operated under the umbrella of RNB Dance and Theatre Arts, a Not-For-Profit Society based in North Vancouver.

In June 2019, Lamondance was incorporated as Lamondance Arts Society to continue its mission to facilitate the evolution of contemporary dance as an art form and be present within the community.

Lamondance is Registered as Lamondance Arts Society. Charitable registration number: 78681 5274 RR0001

Choreographers of all time

In the past years 15 years, we have had the pleasure to provide the opportunity for various unforgettable choreographic voices to speak through our company. These voices are responsible for connecting our dancers with the work, inviting the audience to travel with us to many different dance universes, and transforming time in memories and memories into reality.

We thank all the choreographers and guest artists who shared their artistic vocabulary with our dancers and company.

 Past guests

Amy Lattimore - Cirque du Soleil, Mark Pawsey - Cirque du Soleil, Helen Walkley, Jennifer Mascal - Mascall Dance, ChristieLee Manning, Zoe Scofield, Farley Johansson - Science Friction, Adam Mackinnon, Stu Ignez, Cassilene Abranches - Grupo Corpo, Erica Trivett, Cristina Bucci - Nutritionist, Chris Wong - Culturally Defined.


Behind you, all your memories,

before you, all your dreams,

around you, all who love you,

within you, all you need.

Thank you for sharing your dreams with us and for making Lamondance a place where dreams come true.

Samantha Skelly / Annie Au / Emily Chapo / Crystal Wills / Hailley Caulfield / Davi Rodrigues / Gustavo Gomes / Marcelle Lemos / Bruna Diniz / Andre Grippi / Farley Ferenze  / Christie Lee Manning / Diego Pradela /  Giovanna Faria / Thiago Fayad / Jee Lam / Kim Dixon / Taylor Marie-Dolan / Natasha Vlahovic / Joao Pedro De Paula / Lauren Rose / Diego Araujo / Juliana Hettema / Krystal Kohan /  Glynis Waring / Renan Carvalho / Heather Aucoin / Riley Langford / Luisa Gomes / Mariana Moraes / Pedro Vinicius / Nick Ventura / Alisha Lemire / Bruna Fonseca / Dakota McGhie / Devan Genereux / Douglas Nossa / Jacqueline Nelson / Jee Lam / Joy Wardle / Juliana Hettema  / Natalie Kohan / Natasha Caldwell / Nina Garcia / Renato Barbosa / Amanda Vlahovic / Bianca Meira / Bia Dreux / Cierra Rohde / Giulia Scarpa / Keely Kutson / Lauren Penney / Morgan Blair / Yasmin Diebe / Alejandra Miranda / Alex Wilkinson / Alex Shigetomi / Fernanda Faillace / Gustavo Madubuike / Igor Gomes / Juan Duarte / Kat Trainor / Kiona Graham / Sarah Klukas / Sarah Tse / Andre Luiz / Amanda Barros / Carly DUB / Gabriel Pinter / Gabriel Luz / Janaina Ciodario / Jessica Felix / Maria Victoria / Melissa Swatez / Oksana Maslechko / Paula Pacheco / Sève De Breizh / Sintija Žīgure  / Caroline Kiddie / Kayla Malanfant / Hannah Sim / Myah McCarthy / Breena Makelki / Marie Taylor / Amanda Barros / Sève Mc-Mullin / Afonso Carlos Gomes Junior / Lucas Flygare / Bruce Perger / Giovanni Rizzo / Lazaro Silva / Tiago Camargo / Alicia Jenkins / Amy Staples / Natasha Pavan / Kluane Thompson Peabody / Agustin Gomes / Madeleine Martin / Jessica Shigetomi / Elisse Beckett / Hayley Galati / Keira Douet / Ashley Rabinovitch / Cleo Harper Agar / Grace Willock / Isabelle Marie Dina / Isla Spotswood / Katrina Del Villar / Mariana Camera / Piper French / Sasha Pinder / Summer Sturm / William Jessup / Adrian Maxwell-Campagna / Arianna Elsworth / Ashley Rabinovitch / Bryn Bridgen / Danielle Drach / Elina Elizabeth Pritvi Lucky / Grace Willock / Isla Spotswood / Katrina Del Villar / Linnea Goldstorm / Mackye White / Piper French / Summer Sturm / learn more about the dancers of all time.

#DoYouRemember ?

"Do you remember?”

Is a series of videos that will take us on a journey back, remembering our creative process, choreographers and all of the shows in the ten years of WOW!

Lamondance season 1

"You, Me and Them" took place at the Kay Meekcentre on May 29, 2010.

It was Lamondance first show.

The first act was shared with Monica Proença and Lara Barclay Lamondance co-founders.

The second act was created by three choreographic voices, You, Me and Them presents an environment of temptation, monotony and joy as painted by different classes in society.

"...There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in..."

Leonard Cohen

It was the very first creation of our Artistic Director for the company at that time choreographing as a guest choreographer.

Shows of all times

Every show designed at Lamondance, started from the principal subject “HUMAN”, what is the message behind?, what is our final goal?. These are some of the questions that we always ask ourselves in the process of creating a show.

At Lamondance we are always looking for new ways to create a show that can resonate with the audience.

We have been committed to creating high-quality shows; Shows that for the past decade has evoked all the senses and took the audiences on an unforgettable Journey. A Journey that we are proud of, and as long the fire of passion for the art of dance still lives, we look forward to the next ten years to come.

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At Lamondance we believe in the power of sharing and collaborating.

For the last nine years, we have been sharing the stage with our dance community in a show with no competition or judgement but simply, a dance filled showcase of passion, love and creativity.

LMD & Friends Dance Gala is a night to celebrate Vancouver's Dance Community.

We are looking forward to continuing to develop and create a shared environment collaborating with our most valued community for many years.


 Did you know?


The name Lamondance has two meanings

1- La Mon dance - (would be a closer meaning of (in French) - Le Monde de la danse = The world of dance)

2-Is the combination of the cofounder's names LA (Lara) MON (Mônica): Lamon.

Fun Fact

For the longest time people thought that LMD was:

L - Lara

M - Monica

D - Davi


16 Seasons

3 Artistic Directors

8 Countries (Canada, Brazil, US, Latvia, France and Mexico, South Africa)

111 Dancers

13 Choreographers

12 shows

88 Creations

The Future


Lamondance strives to continue to contribute to our dance community creating and reinforcing bridges that can facilitate the growth of the art of dance in Vancouver and around the globe by making dance accessible to all by creating and producing high-quality professional dance shows as well as continuing to develop the dance training for emerging artists; We are looking forward to continuing to develop a shared environment collaborating with our most valued community for many years to come.


For over 30 years RNB has been a non-profit society providing high-quality dance training to all ages, seeking to provide excellence in dance training and achieve it by teaching individuals and groups a wide variety of dance techniques.

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Lamondance could not have been being born in another nest than RNB's; we have been given a home for our ideas to take flight. We were nurtured by their principles and values, which inspired us to strive for what we believe in - to facilitate the evolution of contemporary dance as an art form and be present within the community, promoting artistic excellence, creation, production and performance by supporting, educating and challenging its artists to take risks.

Thank you RNB DANCE for being here today and for your continued support of Lamondance… 
We couldn’t do this without you!