LAMONDANCE & FRIENDS Vol.9 Virtual show

When: February 27th , 2021

Where: online  at

Streaming Time: 7 pm Showtime (PST)

Silent Auction Online through

You have a Front Row seat!

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Dancing closer than ever!

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“In this unique and special edition, our hands will touch, our arms will hug, our voices will be heard, and our hearts will beat as one. Dancing closer than ever!” - Davi Rodrigues AD at Lamondance


Streaming will happen on February 27th 2021 - 7pm Vancouver Time

Bids will start on February 20th ending on February 27th at 9 pm



Vancouver is well known for its cultural diversity, especially when we talk about dance. The Vancouver dance community is a multi-faceted community, comprised of many layers and styles. The city attracts dancers of different styles to groups and dance companies, but they all have one thing in common: the passion for the art of Dance.

When we originally decided to create Lamondance and Friends - it wasn’t only to create a show to support our scholarship and bursary program or to help with the production of our other shows - it was to find a way to bring the dance community together with no competition or judgement. Simply, we wanted to present a dance-filled showcase of passion, love, creativity.

At Lamondance, we believe in the power of sharing, we are all different, and because of that, we complement each other.


Dance during the Pandemic

A lot has been said and written about the importance –even the necessity– of art amidst this sanitary, social, and economic crisis during challenging days. While this pandemic has forced many to shut their doors for many days, the dance community continues to inspire us to move forward and engage through dance, no matter how socially distant we are. We have seen the tides of dance education change, and we are excited by the many opportunities to adapt and grow together.

With that mindset, we won't let the PANDEMIC stop us from bringing our community together; Lamondance & Friends has been a show that unites our dance community for the past eight years, and now with our 9th edition, we can't let the virus to keep us far apart.

In this unique and special edition, our hands will touch, our arms will hug, our voices will be heard, and our hearts will beat as one.

It's vital to show that the dance community is supportive of each other, bonding, connecting and creating opportunities to show that dance is a powerful way to communicate and let our voices be heard through art either in person or virtually. Vancouver and worldwide, sharing ideas and feelings with a broader artistic community.

Our Mission and Vision is to bring our community together through the art of dance.


Here are our most valuable friends that will be sharing the stage with us at LMDF 2021 Vol.9

  • Ballet Bloch Canada
  • Caulfield School of Dancing
  • Coastal City ballet
  • Culturally Defined
  • Dance Collective
  • Deas Island
  • Royal Principal Dance Academy
  • RNB Dance
  • The Source
  • The Dance Conservatory West Vancouver
  • Élevé Training Centre
  • Ted Littlemore
  • North Shore Academy of Dancing
  • Harbour Dance Centre ITP


We invite you to support and join us for a fabulous evening of entertainment with the outstanding dance talents of the North Shore and Greater Vancouver area. The purpose of this event is to bring the community together to support and showcase our local talent, both the dancers and choreographers. 

We are currently seeking donations for our Silent Auction.

This is an important fundraising event for the Lamondance Training and Performing Company, a not-for-profit organization established in 2009 in North Vancouver.

Lamondance is a Professional Contemporary Training and Performance Company established for the emerging professional dancers. Lamondance has a good success rate as many of the Dance Alumni have moved onto professional careers locally, within Canada, United States, and Germany.

Funds raised from this event ensures the continued advancement of Lamondance with its high calibre training and supports scholarship opportunities to young dancers. 


We are looking for donations for our annual Fundraiser Silent Auction that will happen on February 27th during our Lamondance & Friends Dance Gala Special Edition.

If you have a Big or Small business and would like to help us increase our auction items, we would love to have you helping us. In exchange, we will display the name of your business in our theatre program, website and social media.

Our annual Fundraiser dance gala has helped us to continue to keep the cost of our program accessible to our pre-professional dancers.

Thank you for your support.


Here is our team of supporters for our Auction items of 2021


Giving back to the community is the best way to exercise gratitude and work excellence.

Join the list of 🌟's by supporting local artists in this unique full of passion show.