Lamondance A Winter’s Twist Audition FormBy filling out the audition form, you don’t need to present a paper copy on the day of your audition.Please double-check all the information before submitting it. Once you submit your form, corrections will not be possible. Name of de Dancer Auditioning * First Name Last Name Pronouns. she/her/hers he/him/his they/them/theirs Rather not say Age * 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 DOB * MM DD YYYY Name of the Parent or legal guardian * First Name Last Name Email Address * Phone * Country (###) ### #### Languages Spoken * English French Portugues Spanish other Section 2 Auditioning for * Polar Bears (3'8″ – 4'10") – required to perform Intermediate dancing/blocking actions and wear headpieces Family members – are required to act and perform intermediate contemporary dancing steps Creatures of the lake – required to perform advanced contemporary dancing steps Do you have any additional talents or skills, such as singing, acrobatics, or other performances, that you would like to showcase during the audition? * Trained at (Company/Dance school) * Name of the Director * * Section 3 APPLICANT FILE (The personal information contained in this file will be kept confidential by Lamondance. Only persons who require this information in the performance of their duties will have access to it.) I acknowledge and agree that the following elements will be used to build my applicant file: Information above disclosed, evaluation of my performance, photographs or video document of my artistic performances, and I agree that the Lamondance Company will consult this file in the execution of the organization's artistic activities. PROHIBITIONS The use of electronic equipment such as a camera, video camera, cellular phone or any other device to record or take pictures of the audition in part or in whole is strictly forbidden unless Lamondance's Audition representative has given prior authorization. In such a case, recorded material shall not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including without limitation for personal promotion or reproductions on any Websites. EXEMPTION OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK | I acknowledge that my participation in the Lamondance audition held on: * May involve the risk of an accident that could result in serious injuries. I as a result of this release Lamondance., from any liability in connection with any injuries, I may suffer as a result of my participation and my performance during the audition, including the loss of any accessory, equipment or personal belonging. | Name of the dancer: * ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS I, * UNDERSTAND that the photographs, videos or audio recordings of me may be circulated widely and that, if posted on the Lamondance’s website, in its online searchable image bank or on any other websites, they will be available to the public. FOR THE PURPOSE STATED ABOVE, I CONSENT to be photographed, video recorded and audio recorded by Lamondance or its authorized representatives. I ALSO GIVE MY PERMISSION to Lamondance, to use, reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, broadcast and display photographs, videos or audio recordings that contain my image or voice, with or without my name associated with them. In any current or future Lamondance material, publications, multimedia productions, video, displays, advertisements and on the program’s website, social media website and other current or future media, without further notice to me or without my approval of the finished photographs, videos or audio recordings. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ AND THAT I UNDERSTAND this consent form. *